Flood pros will come into your home and take samples. We will take multiple samples in the home and also outside of your home. The samples take approximately 15 minutes per sample usually taking Flood Pros 45-60 minutes to complete the air quality testing. These samples are sent to EMSL Analytical, Inc laboratories for microscopic analysis.
EMSL Analytical will have the results back to Flood Pros usually in a 2 week turnover time. Our General Manager will then meet with you to go over the results. You are able to see for yourself, if the levels in your home are equal to or lower than the levels outside the home then you have no problem. If the indoor samples are much higher than the outside sample that is an indicator of a problem that needs remediation.
Please see the example below, the indoor numbers are close to 3 times higher than the outdoor samples so they needed a mold remediation plan.